Thursday, February 01, 2007

Numbers are my enemy

Well, not really, but I'm not getting on with the number 29 at the moment. It seems to want to become Denis Norden when it is clearly a mountain climber! Agggahhhhh! It messed up a personal best tonight so I don't think I'm going to acknowledge the number 29 for a few days.

I did 84 random digits in 5 mins with what I thought were no errors until the evil number 29 reared it's ugly head. It was pretty good all round though, only a couple of moments when I had to stop and think what I'd put in a couple of locations. The recall was pretty easy.

I'm going to soon be working with Ed Cooke to figure out a program to steadily improve my results. It's very exciting, Ed has done some amazing things and to have him coach me is a real honor.

The idea of getting to 100 digits by the weekend seems a long way off now and I fear I may be beaten. This is only a short term problem of course. Next week I'll be on binary and then cards again the week after so in a month or so, I'll have the 100 digit barrier well and truly broken.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hiya mate....not sure if its any help, but if 29 wants to be dennis norden, then simply let it be dennis norden....forget the mountain climber and just go with it, see how it does for a few trials. For some reason, 28 for me became The Terminator instead of ned flanders, god knows why but I just thought sod it and kicked poor ned out the door, it seems to be working fine so far! lol! Not much of a fight between those two really!