Sunday, February 25, 2007

Remember the routes!

I've been working on my routes today. I have a lot that I use for practice but I want to get to know lots of them very well. That's what I'm working on. Getting to know all the routes in my head so I can just pick one, and go for it! It will help my practice too as I'm planning to go for 3 packs per day using alternating routes.

Using the roman room system it makes things easier because you only have to think of a room you know to get 10 stages, not 10 stages including the room if that makes sense so it's not been that hard really.

Onwards and upwards..........


Anonymous said...

How many routes do you have prepared?
And, is there a difference between a route and a journey? Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Hey Puck, I've got a question for you. How do you yourself go about learning/storing loci in your mind?

I haven't seen many people detail on the rate at which they learn loci...The most I've learned in one day (it was a saturday, done in a couple hours in the morning) was 160 stops, but it'd be nice to see how other people are progressing.

James Kemp said...

Hi Knives,

Thank you for your message. I take things a lot slower than that. I normally come up with a bunch of new rooms, say 10 or so, and then go through them in pairs over a few days to get them in my head properly. I always go through them forwards and backwards, focusing on each point clearly and picking out the objects I want to use. I review them regularly and sometimes go through all of them in order which is good practice for the longer events as the order is clearly important.

Anonymous said...

Hi, another question on this topic :-)

You say you "come up with" a bunch of new rooms. Does that mean you are inventing the rooms or finding new real rooms?


James Kemp said...


The new rooms are usually ones that I have just discovered i.e. a new restaurant, bar, new house etc. There are times though when I'm going through routes and I think "oh yeah, I forgot the dentist was opposite the dr surgery" and I add that in to the route after exploring the depths of my memory more. If you really got down to it, most of us could pick out several hundred rooms we had visited over our lives. It can be really quite vast.

Sometimes I can't remember a room perfectly as I may not have been to that particular place for many years. If that happens, I put logical objects in certain places if I only come up with 8 or so obvious locations. I haven't ever created a whole room with 10 locations in purely from imagination, although there is nothing stopping you from doing that of course. As long as it is reviewed enough times the objects will just come to you anyway so it doesn't matter if they are fictional places or real ones.

I hope that helps

Anonymous said...

I does help, thanks a lot. I'm looking at virtual worlds games for making new routes now!

James Kemp said...

Good stuff!

Some good suggestions are games like Halo 2 where you have rooms that are unique and there are things you can link too. There are also some good outside bits too that you can use. Far Cry is good as well for outside routes. As a thought, if you're in to it, The Sims games would be very good because you create your own rooms there and put objects where you like. Things like paintings, lamps, bookshelves etc. If you don't like the rooms, you can change them how you like!...........Hmmmmmmm, off to find my Sims 2 now :)