Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Finished work early so.......

I thought I'd give the 5 minute numbers another crack to see how I've been getting on. I've been doing as Ed recommended which is to go for twice as many as I think I can do in the event in twice the time. It's supposed to help me when I drop down to lower amounts of numbers and a quicker time................and it does!

I had an attempt at 160 digits in 8 minutes earlier, was a bit crap with 24 errors and the other attempt was 100 digits in 5 mins which ended up with 4 errors. My final effort is below:

90 random digits (no errors)- 5 minutes - NEW PERSONAL BEST!!

So I'm getting there. Up from 66 in the World Championships last year which is a pretty good percentage increase.

For now I'm doing 40 digits, then reviewing them, then the next 40, then review them and so on which seems to work pretty well for the amounts I'm attempting at the moment.

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