Tuesday, November 21, 2006

It's back!

James: "Hi motivation! Where have you been?"
Motivation:"You know, just chilling with my friend 'can't be arsed' for a while but now I'm back!"
James:"That's great news, can I please get back to my memory training now with enthusiasm and motivation?"
Motivation:"That's fine by me. Enthusiasm was right behind me on my way back to your brain so you should be fine"
James:"Many thanks motivation, I'm glad you have come home."

As you will notice from the above conversation, motivation is back. I sat in bed last night going through cards and random numbers with a renewed excitement for them both. It seems that the longer I've left it, the better I get which is strange. The cards felt very natural last night, didn't have to force anything and the images came to me very clearly which I was happy about.

So looks like I'm back in the game! It would seem I need to work quite hard now to get a place in Josh's soon to be movie Moonwalking with Einstein :o)

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

How very very strange

I spoke to my American buddy Mike online yesterday who not only has mastered the Rubik's cube himself but knows the guy personally who's website I am learning from! It's a small world eh?

I'm quite excited about it. I don't know if I'll get to a good speed with it or not but it feels good to do. I seem to focus well when I'm doing it and not drift off like I can do when I'm memorising. Perhaps it's all the pretty colours :)

I'm going to get back to memorising Pi in the New Year when I've moved house and got all settled in to a new place. I'll nail a few thousand digits of that and raise some money for charity on the way I think. Well, that's the plan anyway. I'll see how I feel after 2,000 digits as to how far I want to go but I can't see it being more than 5,000. A bit too much commitment of my life to go much further than that!

Monday, November 13, 2006

A new low

I've been quiet on the memory front recently. Mainly because I've had zero motivation. I just can't get my head down to do anything at the moment so I made an important decision......................BUY A RUBIX CUBE!

I've never used one before but I've seen people do it in under 30 seconds and I thought to myself "Now there's a party trick" and also good exercise for the old grey matter whilst it is seeking motivation.

I've mastered the first few steps and the rest is just memorising algorithms so not very hard, just takes time to figure it out a few times. We're also moving house at the moment so my head is kind of in to that too. I'll be doing more memory work in January when things have chilled out.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

The hangover

Good lord, I am now feeling the crushing low of the alcohol induced high. Why oh why do I do it.

I am debating writing a book on how to hide a hangover as I seem to be doing a rather masterful job of it if I do say so myself.

It feels like something has taken over my body allowing only certain functions to remain such as typing and nodding. I hope I haven't damaged the memorising bits of my brain too badly. We'll see at the weekend when I devour some more Pi.

May this be a lesson to you all

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

How to develop a perfect memory

I was so excited this morning to see the famous book 'How to develop a perfect memory' by Dominic O'brien arrive this morning! I've heard people paying silly money for it but I managed to pick it up for £12 delivered which was a bargain.

As for the training, I'm still working hard on numbers and cards. Haven't done much with Pi but tested myself on the first 350 digits last night and got them all correct. I've been revising 5 packs of cards per day for the last few days and have noticed my speed dramatically improving. I'm going through the pack as fast as I can just seeing my images in my head, then moving on. I'm down to a tiny fraction over 1 second per card. Lots of room to improve still but enjoying seeing the time go down :)