Wednesday, October 18, 2006

What have the Romans ever done for me?

For those of you that know me will understand what I mean when I say I use the Roman Room method for memorising information. Well, I had a eureka moment last night whilst practicing with some cards and realised I may have come up with something not many people have done before. At least, I can't find anyone talking about it on the Internet if they do use it.

I put a pair of cards in each place on my 10 stage route per room. So the total cards per room is 20. I figured out last night that I can put 50 cards per room by making a slight modification to the method.

I take the first point of the 10 stages in the room and link the first card to that. Then, the object of the second card is linked to the first card which means I've still not moved from my first point. I then take the object of the 3rd card and link that to the second object etc. etc. until I have 'Stacked' 5 cards in one location. Then, move on to location number 2, link the next card with that and so on.

Got quite excited about it cos I can basically get a whole pack of cards in one room meaning my storage capacity has gone through the roof! I also noticed that because all 5 cards were linked together I found it much easier to memorise because if I forgot one there were normally at least 2 cards linked to it in some way.

I have christened this method..........................................Roman Stacking

Now I'm off to go and giggle like a little girl cos I'm all excited about it.

Oh, please let me know if you hear of anyone else memorising like this. Would be keen to know what results they have been getting.


Unknown said...

Hey James
You are a legend. I like what I see...! You will be one hard to beat mofo at the next memory compo if you keep up the hard work and clever strategising!
Keep us updated!
Chat soon bud!

James Kemp said...

I just want to get my own back from WMC 2006! I think this method will put me up a few levels :)