Wednesday, October 18, 2006

2 posts in 1 day?!

I've had a quick play with my new system and wanted to post the first results. I just memorised a 30 digit number in 60 seconds with no errors. I was very pleased with that for a first attempt with a new system. I don't think I could go that fast using my old method as it stands. Perhaps with a bit more practice though. It didn't feel cramped or like I had to stop also which was good. Felt like I could have gone a lot further at that pace.

It's highlighted a few things though. Because I'm putting 5 items in 1 place I've been counting on my fingers when I get to 5 so I know when to move on to the next part of my route. Perhaps if I was to do something like person-object-action-object-object or some variant of that I'd instinctively know where I was so could forget about my finger counting.

Anyway, I'll keep playing around with it and update as I go.

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