Thursday, June 14, 2007

New Idea

I've not been posting a lot recently. I've been very busy with various things and memory training has fallen by the wayside. However, I did play around with a new idea I had based on my problems reordering a deck fast enough in Cambridge.

I had no problem remembering the cards, I just couldn't get them in order fast enough so I needed a new method. I've come up with a way which is much faster for me.

What I'm doing is memorising the deck as normal and then on the recall take each card one at a time and put it in place instead of going from the start and finding the first card. So, I'll go - Ace of hearts, near the end, 2 of hearts at the start, 3 of hearts just after that etc. until I've built up the basics of the deck order. I should end up with 26 pairs of cards that are basically in order then it's a simple matter of picking up the 26 pairs in order to build the complete deck.

My other idea was to take the first 26 cards and lay them out and then match the pairs in any random order then then put the whole deck together at the end based on the 26 pairs.

It's very hard to explain but I can move through the cards a lot faster this way and will be able to put the deck back together much faster I believe. I had a spare 5 minutes (literally!) before work this morning and memorised a quick 20 cards (1 room for me) and then flipped through an ordered deck to find the pairs and put the deck together as above. It worked really well.

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