Tuesday, June 26, 2007

German Competition simon reinhard + new personal best

Wow........Simon Reinhard has been working hard! Very impressive and congratulations to him for beating the still very impressive World Champion.

Like Ben, I have really got the competition bug and am really looking forward to the next UK competition. I've got my sights set on 200 digits in 5 minutes now. Not for the next event, but I've worked some times out and I don't think it will be long until I can do it. Over 300 though is just crazy!


Didn't want to write a second post so tagging this on to the first! Just set a new personal best in the numbers:

110 digits in 5 minutes - No errors.

I memorised 120 quite comfortably but memorised a 57 instead of a 27 and ended up with 110 which is OK.

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