I've been trying to work out what is a good time for me to memorise each block of 40 digits on a line in the random numbers event. It has to be quick enough to get a good score but slow enough to register the images properly.
I managed to do 40 digits in 60 seconds with no problems at all on the recall. This was a single sighting so no review going on. That should be fast enough to get a half decent score if I did the second line at the same pace and then reviewed quickly over them a couple of times.
I'm still unsure about what to go for at Cambridge. My brain is saying "go for something sensible like 100 and then get the better scores in Germany when you get 2 attempts" but my 'big kahuna' part of my brain is saying "go for it! go for 200 digits you big fairy!" I'll have to see how confident I'm feeling on the day. As long as I get more than 66 (previous best in competition) I'll be happy that I am progressing.
Friday, April 13, 2007
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Hang on.......do we only get one attempt at 5 min numbers in cambridge?? that'd be bad for me because I like the idea of playing safe first and then just going for it on the second, like with cards
Hi Jim,
Yep, one go and that's it! I much prefer two goes cos it's a bit of a warm up and you can get a safe score in. In a way, it will make us concentrate harder and is probably a better test but not as much fun!
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