Friday, March 30, 2007

Trying something new

I was thinking last night of how to improve my 5 minute numbers scores and came up with something I'm going to play around with over the next few days.

I seem to have pretty good recall after 2 reviews and great recall after 3, so, I'm going to play around with the idea of going through the first 80 digits (2 lines) three times and then going for the last line in a single sighting. My cunning part of the plan is on the recall sheet to write the last line FIRST as this should still be fresh in my memory and then go back to the start of line 1 where my longer term memory should have stored everything OK. This should ensure I get a fairly safe score of at least 80.

It's a bit controversial but I guess if it works, who cares! I'm not sure if anyone else does it this way but I think it's worth a crack to see if it makes any difference. Once I get faster I can use the same system with 3 lines, then 4 etc always seeing the last line only once and writing it down first.

I'll let you know memory fans

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