Saturday, March 24, 2007

Good morning practice

Started with a 100 digit attempt in 5 minutes which I did without error. Only the second time I've done it but this time was a lot more comfortable. The recall was easy, had no gaps I had to come back to. I think I recalled the number back in 2.5 minutes.

Also, did a great, but slightly annoying deck of speed cards. Would have been a new personal best of 2:38 but I had one reversal. King of Clubs/Jack of Spades was the correct order, but I had them the other way around. Other than that, there was only 4 gaps that were quickly filled so very confident I can go under 2:30 in the next few attempts.


Zoomy said...

You should aim to beat 2:29 - that was the sensational new world record time with which Dominic O'Brien won the first WMC. He also memorised a new record of 266 digits in 15 minutes.

James Kemp said...

I hadn't thought of it that way! I just need to invet a time machine now and go back to gain my crown :)