Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Stupid brain

For those that know me and read this blog regularly (if there is anyone!) I am feeling pretty crap again. I have lost motivation and can't seem to get my brain quiet enough to do anything, let alone memory training.

I go through these bouts of depression with no rhyme or reason to them. Hopefully it will only last a little while like normal.

It's a bit silly because I have nothing to be down about! My brain is in better form than ever with personal bests becoming a regular thing when I do train, my home life is good and my work is fine. Perhaps there is something missing in my life I'm not consciously aware of...........hmmmmmm


Anonymous said...

Its because you're not coming to bahrain, and you know that you'll have to wait that bit longer to see me again! Come on Jim, rob a bank and get it booked! ....I had to take out a graduate loan! You only live once I suppose!

James Kemp said...

You may be right Jim! If we can set up a live link to my bedroom from Bahrain I can compete in real time with you all :)

Mike said...

Maybe your brain wants some creative exercise and all you are feeding it is monotonous procedural exercises. Why don't you make a multi-user online memory competition a reality?
Maybe start a working party towards it.